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Spaas Citronella White Terracotta Mini Ginger Love

Code: SCOD552012116

RRP: €3.50
Lava Rewards Points  earn 8 points

Brand: Spaas

Measurements (WxDxH) in cm: 10.9 x 10.9 x 4.6

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Product Description

Our citronella candles ensure that you can sit in the garden without any worries. The smell of citronella keeps the mosquitoes away. Terracotta candles are real mood setters! Their large flame and earthy character make it extra cozy in the garden or on the balcony. This small round dish from Spaas will burn for a total of 13 hours. Ginger Love combines two powerful scents for a romantic evening. The sweet yet pungent scent of ginger evokes passionate daydreams as the sun's rays sink behind the trees and the heat of the day gently slips into the evening.